from me with love.. u were here,welcoming guess is a must..first of all,please get noticed that theres nothing special here inside my blog..just a bunch of CURHAT *curahan hati* just like what the others did..i'm a quite simple person who believe in my own believe and thought~kira normal la kan..please make urself comfort..respect my blog as i was your friend..make it to the last scroll that i've written a bit about myself..follow if u tend to and feels free to drop any comment @ the chatbox attached at the very below..NJOY!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

lets meet chip da big head creature

first of all-->introducing my big head creature..hahaha..sorilah gambar mcm kes dera,btw 2la pc taim ku kasi jemur itu creature,agak melampau jak bunyi..sekali sekala kasi mati itu bakteria mak bilang dulu..*whatever* yang pastinya ku sendiri pun xtau sejauh mana kebenarannya teori mak aku yg skul takat taun 6 tu..ngahahah! (durhaka mode)..nama dia CHIP ala yg dalam katun chip n dale..DALE ku xtau pa cita,mayb tgh acting karg ni..okeyla,story mcm mana aku boleh dapat katon xcukup bitamin ni xdapatla hamba ungkapkan disini..*kasi korang frust ckit*..heeee..kisah lampau melampau laut cina selatan..kah3..

yeahhhh..tgk gambar pun dah tau pa sa mo cakap kan..teman baik ato orang putih bilang 'best friend'..dia mmg baik sbb xpng sakitkan ati aku -->2 pun sbb mulut dia bejahit, setia-->2pun sbb dia xlaku sbb kpla besar sgt,sentiasa temankan aku d rumah, xpnh mintak mknan aku-->2pun sbb dia xsuka makan ( ^_^)..haha..i'm talking craps sudha ni..

..dan yang penting..ada kisah tersendiri disebalik aku dan chip,peneman tidur yang xkan pernah merungut walau air liur ku meleh padanya sekalipun (euwww..paka?)..sekian..

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truely madly deeply ME!

some HIGHLIGHT 'bout me..

* i'm skinny 42 kg/158 cm tall_no komen required k!
* the youngest child out of 6_proud ^^
* i adore laughter and i'm kindda happy person
* i didnt take alchohol and i didnt go clubbing,no smoking_ya i know i'm a boring kind of person,but hey!i was just created to be this way..
* i made of bidayuh+iban parents=niena
* i hearts classic stuff..
* i just dont believe peoples around me_n yeah,i wonder y..
* family type of person OMG i loves FAMILY damn much!
* i treat people the way they treat me_F&S
* my personal life is it got nothing to do with you_back off
* currently having my Diploma in Physiotherapy_fun doe!
*dont like pets that much..smelly poops+annoying me so much!_eww
* fav foods_tomyam | chocolate is a must!
* i am a private person and that has been always my personality..
* i didnt take craps i dont need those trashy thingy!

whatever i wrote is what i am,living in my own thought and believes,but i'm an easy kind of person..and ORDINARY 4sure.