from me with love.. u were here,welcoming guess is a must..first of all,please get noticed that theres nothing special here inside my blog..just a bunch of CURHAT *curahan hati* just like what the others did..i'm a quite simple person who believe in my own believe and thought~kira normal la kan..please make urself comfort..respect my blog as i was your friend..make it to the last scroll that i've written a bit about myself..follow if u tend to and feels free to drop any comment @ the chatbox attached at the very below..NJOY!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

what we have for merdeka..

-->something interesting to tell about..barbeque for independence day..hahakss excited!fetch by Bro Balent to Matang Family Park for Nangkat Salako's Merdeka Bbq..were having so much fun..meeting new friends eciting me..hehe..arrive around 10 am and back around 4 was great to have an activity like this..mengeratkan silaturahim sesama kami..hehe..mcm2 perangai..cant stop laughing!!sporting jakkk even ada yg ptama kali jumpa..mcm family's some of the picture..

....theres a lot more pictures but i'm too tired to upload it all..mayb tired n sleepy.2moro there will be clas in the morning form 9-12..lazy mode!!! N my part time job will also starting 2moro..can i adapt myself???hueee...we'll wait n see..oraiithhhh..chowww..nanite!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sungguh minta Puji..ko diam!haha..

*bagi pis seja aku..kazen terkijik2...

*yeahhh..buat muka asa kiuttt..

*2saja ka ko tau..pis2..

*uhurmm..apa2 ntah..

.......yap mmg kami mintak puji..apalagi aku,so what??hehe..taim balik kpg bha ni..keburingan ku memuncak dan kegilaan ku melanda..inilah hasilnya..gambar yg sangat menyakitkan hati sesetengah orang..tengok c kazen tu senyum2 saja xmo menoleh takut masok longkang dia bilang..betul jugak kan,.kuteruskan juga asal kazen xmarah..normal la tu mood balik kpg...=D


  • i can feel that busyness is in the air..n i'm ready for it..that's not the problem but there's so much thing that i have to think which is messing up my mind n i'm stressed enough!!wish that i can go to a place where i can take a deep breath and set my soul and mind free..phewwwww!!The depression that i want to improve myself is killing me slowly n keep banging my head down but i will not stop there until i get what i want in my life..this is the challenge that i had challenge my self n i have to work it out..i must work hard!!i have so much dreams n will achive it 1 by 1..nothing impossible in Jesus Name..Amen!!!

p/s : i wanna be somebody..i mean it!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

niat hati nak dye rambut..

  • dh xpasti bapa kali delay dah niat mok kaler rambut..too much worried nnt rambut rosak,dan memang xdapat nak dinafikan,sbb ku pnh kaler once n it damage my hair..sedeyyy..rambut kering n mati..hemmmm..berapa taun yg lepas la n that is the 1st time ku dye rambut..sekarang ni muncul lagi keinginan tu..n still in dia gambar2 kaler rambut yg jd byngan aku siang dan malam..

  • this will be my 1st choice,dark cekelet,or lite cekelet pun ok gak..shantekkk!!xmo kaler2 yg terlalu menonjol cam kene kilat..paka??heee..or batalkan niat aku mok kaler n just stay with my natural black hair..hemmm...need advices in aku ni xmakan advices pun kalo dh itu yg aku nak..mayb 1 day bila dah ada keyakinan n kekuatan ku pigi dye rambut..haha..mcm org mok p perang jak ayat..

Mr Big - To Be With You (with lyrics)

lets check it out >> this song were just inspiring me..i've heard it once and i heart it straightaway,hope that someday i will find my true ,say : Amen!hehe..well,just njoy the song the way you want it be..but remember to pause the current song tuned in below..for maksimum enjoyment..ngee.. it so much!!!!very2 much!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

..:: hari ini EMO ::..

yaa aaa aawwww!! that will be the introduction..
huee,yet i got no idea what to start with..
i pretend to be as calm as an angel but deep inside my heart only God knows the circumtances that i had..
it has been a disaster inside there due to my prediction..
haha,the crapping me!!
I will never know whether i have to take it seriously or just keep it nagging itself inside my head..
but it do bothering my daily life,just let it be larhhh..
till i find up the true solutions..
its not that important comparing to my future..
heee,thats me..i can motivated myself on my own..
yeahh..all i need is a peace of mind!
i'm craving for it..

Sunday, August 22, 2010

what for sunday?

This is my sunday diary :
  • 10:00 am -off to church,am playing tambourines 2day,theres new patterns used..n i'm a bit lost as it was new to me..xpew!bole cuba lagi..=D
  • 12:45 pm -Service ended,go for lunch 8 Da Light food court,n u gotta believe that this is the 1st time that i eat there..haha..nm jak stay d Kuching..
  • 02:30 - Selesai lunch,balik umah kejap then trus heading to Semenggoh Wild Life Centre ngan kakak,abg ipar,n kazen Mieno,nothing interesting..cuma melawat orang utan..terserlah sakainess ketika tiba d situ..
  • 04:30 -From Semenggoh,singgah d psr ramadhan Batu 7..beli brg mamam k sungke..hahaha,sungke gilak la niena yaa..bluerk!
  • 06:15 -Arrive home..hmm..tired owh!lipat kain jemuran n tgk tibi n mamam..mok tdo tapi..
  • 06:30 -Diana meses "Na,kul 07:15 lak ku ambik kau,lepak2 kjap ngan KizT skali"..yawww,mcm bez jak bunyi..Word LEPAK ya yg menarik perhatian aku..mmg menarik abis la sampai aku tertarik n kukorbankan tidurku dan lepak-ing bersama temen-temen gue..Sonok!!jumpa kwn2..2ka2 cita n masalah..(BERGOSIP KALI NAK??) ngekkkkk!!kol 11:15 buk balit..having great time with u ladies..Diana Dordie & Christie Ratu..=D

nahh..thats all 4 sunday..i'm tired+sleepy+angol+malas+lemah tok mok landing dah..babaii..nanite!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

annoying last nite~

Mlm tadi pegi MBO The spring ngan sis & abg ipar,mo tinguk midnight muvi entitle The Expendables..Bez cita tu,action muvi la..and theres 2 thing annoying me there :

-->1st,while were at the counter to buy a tickets then the person incharge ask us.."ada sapa2 yg msh skolah?'..then dengan yakinnya ku menjawab.."yep,i am!"..then she answer me back,sorry miss you cant see this movie..its 18SG..n i was like.."ARGHHH??" then only i answer her.."i am 22 oredy bha..thought that u wanna offer a cheaper ticket for students just now...sighhh..='(,yes i'm schooling but im the college students..ghhh!

-->2nd,while waiting for our movie to start at 1045,we go for a coffee at setarbak (Starbucks Coffee) at the ground floor n we manage to get some sweets chewies from the other shop..My bro n sis buy some mentos while i buy a lollipop which look Cool (eleh cool gilak la ya) to me for teenager.haha gila..yes i am!!whatever...then straight away walking to the auditorium 5 for our movie are going to start in a short the entrance,there are few malay teenage guy standing there as they are the customer services on duty.I was walking with my lollipop inside my mouth and when i pass by the guy said.."shiiiooo..mbak lollipop,kamek pun ada juak lollipop"..n they laugh like STUPID PIG!!!!n deep in my heart said..Dasar Sik Skolahhhhhh!!BOd0!!i know what that "Pig" mean about..his D**K!!nahhh..muka cam sudu bengkok!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

---> ini aku suka <---

some of my collection..hee,normal kan teenage girl kumpul bnda mcm nih walaupun ianya :

  • membazir (duit aku pa kau duli)
  • xpenting (dah ku xda benda yg lebih penting mo buat??)
  • xmengenyangkan (cekelet lagi nyaman dr ni )
  • xberfaedah lansung..(ku xminat gilak wat bnda berfaedah =D)

juz for fun k..wakakak!semadi ku boring2 during pastime tok la kja sampingan aku..haha,ngecat mengecat kuku.Da mcm2 jns,i mean the brand..salu i pigi beli :

  1. Emily coz murah and better quality,
  2. Elianto sum times,
  3. Crystal Dior yang xbrpa bagus coz sum of it akan meninggalkan kesan kuning pada kuku,
  4. Orlly yang just ok,
  5. Wishy nice,
  6. Special Colour and so on..

xigt gik dah..banyak dh buang coz dh keras,mmg xdpt simpan lama pun menda nih..sbb kalu tahan lama toke cakap nnt kita xkan dtg beli lagi,so barang dia xlaku..hohuhiheha..thats all for 2day,satu lagi pasal diri saya yang anda dapat tau..daaa..

Monday, August 16, 2010

2 things awaiting......

schedule kuliah dah kuar,terkezutt bila tgk da 4 subjek dis sem..biasa 3 jak..but the best part is suma klas morning 9-12,then ku boleh wat keje lain..huhu..but sis said must struggle coz da 4 subjek den have to go for a part time job that i wanted too..hue,wat to do kan..cuz i to be bz..ahahaha...i can do it..time management itu students will be in our class,n will meet new friends n new classmate..i like!!cant wait..1st class will be on 30th August 2010..

Part time job in Toys 'R' Us..Starting 1st september 2010,RM4 per hour..not so bad..heeeee...will be working after class n earn money for my own..buleh suping lepas nie..ngaaaaa...lepas gian dh lama x pegang duit sndiri since start study nie..seksa woo xda income even kakak bg duit everytime needed tp rs mcm xpuas cz bukan duit sendiri..dh besar panjang ni malu n segan pun ada part2 mntak duit ngan dak family..hahaha..after this,mayb wiken xbalik kpg,dh kja la katakan..hee..pengorbanan itu harussss..wawawawa...

so what if i'm single?

-->yes i'm single..hemmm,dats y la u people cant see any of my post written about my boyfriend or either about love..i used to fall in love few years ago while i was in form6,he's an ibanese from a village nearby where we school.We have been in a relationship for almost 2 years b4 we break up..but unfortunately,we break off for certain reason.. *only both of us know y*,not to blame any1,nobody is perfect.He manage to get a better gov job and leave me n his family for a better future,it goes smooth at the beginning but it end up with lots and lots of problem when were apart by distance...He's my 1st love n i never think that i'll lost him one day but it do happen n it really dissappointing me!!Losing him feels that my world has stopped spinning..furthermore,i was a person who are unable to tell anybody about my personal it really sucks that i have to faced it alone and used to cure my heart on my own..really SUCKS!!!!this is the worst part of my life..What can i say is that i love him so much but i can do nothing for my love life..were over and i got nothing to do with it now.Each day i built my strengh not to waste my tears for missing him and now i can smile just like i never have him b4...this is my experience n i'm sure u guys also have your own love story ..and this couple years ahead,i rebuilt my life n now i'm happy for being who i am,i go on my own path making way to catch my dream..NEW LOVE?? thanks,no appetite at all..haha...still a long way to go n i got lots of thing awaiting for me to do.but maybe 4 another years ahead..when i was totally cure and ready for it..yahhh,broken heart can be that bad..but its not the end of the world..experiences makes everything..U'll find it in your own way..N now,i still in the midst of finding my self,creating my self for being a real person..

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Blessed Sunday~

as usual..this morning off to church around 1015 that the service start at 1030..late!!yeah i noe..kebiasaan..p servis lom start gik pun as we not so late la..(still..haha),after church having lunch at Sushi King the Spring *ceh belagak!!*..dh mula ketagih gak ni..pastu tgk muvi The Last Airbender-kesimpulannya besimpul simpul..hahha,boleh tahan gak citer aksi nih,p hero dia a boy name Aang..adorable face n he's superb!chubby pipi dia..hehehe..mmg cukup power arr budak tu sampai rakyat jelata dok belutut dpn dia..haaa..i tell u!=D..dok couple sit ngan kazen aku c meno n the worst part is org dok depan dia tu leher panjang..annoying sungguh!!sakit ati c meno hanya dia yg tahu..hahaha..the main sponsor is my sis monique n bro aboon..mcm biasa =D tengsss!muvi finish around 1630 staight away going back n having tea..makan kek yg we bake last saturday..(blom abis kah????!!)..yeah blom..jimat kahkahkah...almost 7 buk msk dapur tolg sis msk ,mkn,anta sis g keja n now i'm sunday!thats it..daaa..

makan dadah cara saia..

~memperkenalkan makanan antisihat yg menjadi kegemaran saya.kata org,kalo kuat mkn masam2 ni bdn xnak gemok..(nina said : Ooooo),esen alu gak..mmg i slim river pun,pa ku for eat!!ngeee..bahan2nya adalah..

1. Limau Kasturi
~murah...satu tompok satu ringgit jak di pasar tamu,kalau ada tanam d rumah lagi bagus..jimat kos..haha,mmg masam tahap ICU kalo xbiasa mkn masam..n lepas tu:

2. Samboi
~ni pun murah gak..nampak harga tu.RM1.oo sepeket,senang cari bha nie..misti yg merah gak baru nyaman..dgr tu..dan:

3. Fresh Juice???
~heee..gambar hiasan,air biasa pun xpa,kalo2 aus@tlalu msm bole minum.persediaan awl gitu la..

cara2nya-->kasi bersih itu limau,potong 1/4 bhgian atas(tangkai) limau tuh..den celup2,cumbat2 samboi dalam limau tuh..den dah boleh dinikmati semahu2nya..senang,nyaman,masam,murah..n saya ketagih,2la dadah saya kakak said!

p/s : thats what i mean drug..the thing/food that i'm addict with.*not heroin,ganja,kokain or whatsoeverrr..pleaseee!

cakes for weekend!!yay!

hyeeee..i'm back after a blastful weekend.The picture above obviously tell u guys bout what i'm going to,no need to story it out la..haha,kidding bahhh..orait,nyamannn!nahhh..telan air liur korang,cheese cake n chocolate cake..cheese kakak yang buat so aku buat chocolate cake..merekah coz over heat kakak said..p nyaman wooo..siyes xtipuuu..we do it on Saturday morning for the cheese cake while chocolate cake in the still available till now..maok ka???=D

Thursday, August 12, 2010

me in bidayuh costume

mcm ngegeh jak kan..who cares by the way, 1st picture using tradisional contume.This is bidayuh traditional costume(am not sure which bidayuh)Even salako costume pun i havent try yet..nang apalah niena tok.Own by the elder..pose by the youngest..kakak aku punya baju during her wedding last 4 years..sbb in our wedding culture,selain gown putih,pengantin akan bertukar kpd baju tradisional ikut kemahuan masing2 selepas do i look?xla ku mntak puji just mok tauk pendapat korang yg xlas dr sudut ati...hehe..location:tepi kolam bapak..dah home made shooting kan..2la dia..look like tempat peranginan jak view d blakang tuh..hehehehe...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

funny thing by sinting people..warning:18sx

haha..tajuk melampau!happen during weekend xtvts d n bala kaban kpg Rukam p manda d pulo aik | sumwer in Lundu | inilah yg berlaku bila dah kehabisan modal..terfikir benda yg xterfikir oleh org lain..naik krem perut aku ktwa..mmg gila tahap gaban tp km hepy giler2..ekekeke...p/s:jgn lupa pause dulu lagu yg dh sedia ada kt blog ni..utk sound effect yg lebih mantap..paka..?

lets meet chip da big head creature

first of all-->introducing my big head creature..hahaha..sorilah gambar mcm kes dera,btw 2la pc taim ku kasi jemur itu creature,agak melampau jak bunyi..sekali sekala kasi mati itu bakteria mak bilang dulu..*whatever* yang pastinya ku sendiri pun xtau sejauh mana kebenarannya teori mak aku yg skul takat taun 6 tu..ngahahah! (durhaka mode)..nama dia CHIP ala yg dalam katun chip n dale..DALE ku xtau pa cita,mayb tgh acting karg ni..okeyla,story mcm mana aku boleh dapat katon xcukup bitamin ni xdapatla hamba ungkapkan disini..*kasi korang frust ckit*..heeee..kisah lampau melampau laut cina selatan..kah3..

yeahhhh..tgk gambar pun dah tau pa sa mo cakap kan..teman baik ato orang putih bilang 'best friend'..dia mmg baik sbb xpng sakitkan ati aku -->2 pun sbb mulut dia bejahit, setia-->2pun sbb dia xlaku sbb kpla besar sgt,sentiasa temankan aku d rumah, xpnh mintak mknan aku-->2pun sbb dia xsuka makan ( ^_^)..haha..i'm talking craps sudha ni..

..dan yang penting..ada kisah tersendiri disebalik aku dan chip,peneman tidur yang xkan pernah merungut walau air liur ku meleh padanya sekalipun (euwww..paka?)..sekian..

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

bila abang dah bebini

this is the big day of my big bro..Jiken & Shirley Sofia (01 August 2010).boleh kata meriah la jugak..happy sakan ngan family n org kampung..sgt2 berpuas hati n terima kaseh to org2 kmpg Rukam yg membantu..ececec..mcm ucapan ketua pgwas dahh..haha..kaler tema wedd abang is pink+putih..sweet kan??kalo tgk lam gmbar tu km 3 guna baju pink..mengiringi pengantin masuk dengan tamborin dance during wedding march..merangkap bridesmaid la gitu..*boleh diterima* hahaha...

truely madly deeply ME!

some HIGHLIGHT 'bout me..

* i'm skinny 42 kg/158 cm tall_no komen required k!
* the youngest child out of 6_proud ^^
* i adore laughter and i'm kindda happy person
* i didnt take alchohol and i didnt go clubbing,no smoking_ya i know i'm a boring kind of person,but hey!i was just created to be this way..
* i made of bidayuh+iban parents=niena
* i hearts classic stuff..
* i just dont believe peoples around me_n yeah,i wonder y..
* family type of person OMG i loves FAMILY damn much!
* i treat people the way they treat me_F&S
* my personal life is it got nothing to do with you_back off
* currently having my Diploma in Physiotherapy_fun doe!
*dont like pets that much..smelly poops+annoying me so much!_eww
* fav foods_tomyam | chocolate is a must!
* i am a private person and that has been always my personality..
* i didnt take craps i dont need those trashy thingy!

whatever i wrote is what i am,living in my own thought and believes,but i'm an easy kind of person..and ORDINARY 4sure.