from me with love.. u were here,welcoming guess is a must..first of all,please get noticed that theres nothing special here inside my blog..just a bunch of CURHAT *curahan hati* just like what the others did..i'm a quite simple person who believe in my own believe and thought~kira normal la kan..please make urself comfort..respect my blog as i was your friend..make it to the last scroll that i've written a bit about myself..follow if u tend to and feels free to drop any comment @ the chatbox attached at the very below..NJOY!

Friday, August 12, 2011


note:ari tok mud kaka sawak lok!xphm diam jak sia..

ary sabtu pun skolah..nang xbez alu eyhh..ganti cuti raya lah konon nya,sp suh ct 2 mggu eheh BTW syuk aty cuti lamak2..xda pa mok dpadah ku senanya..
errmm..regarding study la hoo..lately physio semms like more interesting to study on..bez glak time pektikal masok gym and ngurassss lam ya..menari la,men gymball la,treadmill n plg bez men wheelchair..wilcha pdh Usop antu kak limah!

xcited gilk tek nak sampe melecet tangan begasak nak molah skill up k wilcha..senanya skill ya blaja sem mek org tok ngegeh lebih glak,masok lam gym dahya lec g meeting..apa lagi lahhh..release tension suma..

now ku brani madah ku dah jatuh cinta ngan fisio!thanks God now i know that this was really your plan..for me n my future..again,Thanks GOD!

dah ngantok mata ku tok..asa kjap jak hari2 ku belalu coz padat glak jadual lam sehari sampe taim tdo mlm ya jak ilek..start dr pg sampe malam da2 jak kja d polah..

gney nak molah kn dh tuntutan kehidupn kdk ya..pande2 lah kita ngatonya..
mok tdo ku dah..babyeeee!nite peeps..^^

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truely madly deeply ME!

some HIGHLIGHT 'bout me..

* i'm skinny 42 kg/158 cm tall_no komen required k!
* the youngest child out of 6_proud ^^
* i adore laughter and i'm kindda happy person
* i didnt take alchohol and i didnt go clubbing,no smoking_ya i know i'm a boring kind of person,but hey!i was just created to be this way..
* i made of bidayuh+iban parents=niena
* i hearts classic stuff..
* i just dont believe peoples around me_n yeah,i wonder y..
* family type of person OMG i loves FAMILY damn much!
* i treat people the way they treat me_F&S
* my personal life is it got nothing to do with you_back off
* currently having my Diploma in Physiotherapy_fun doe!
*dont like pets that much..smelly poops+annoying me so much!_eww
* fav foods_tomyam | chocolate is a must!
* i am a private person and that has been always my personality..
* i didnt take craps i dont need those trashy thingy!

whatever i wrote is what i am,living in my own thought and believes,but i'm an easy kind of person..and ORDINARY 4sure.