from me with love.. u were here,welcoming guess is a must..first of all,please get noticed that theres nothing special here inside my blog..just a bunch of CURHAT *curahan hati* just like what the others did..i'm a quite simple person who believe in my own believe and thought~kira normal la kan..please make urself comfort..respect my blog as i was your friend..make it to the last scroll that i've written a bit about myself..follow if u tend to and feels free to drop any comment @ the chatbox attached at the very below..NJOY!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


today was suck~having bad flu + hostel still xda air gik..i'm in my super duper uncomfortable situation DI SINI!!
Mentang2 dh sem 2,me now dh pande escape class..kul 3 leh p d store buy biskut raya,mam kepsi..haha..BUDUSSSS kan!lau fmly tau..imagine how dissapointed they will be..hurmm..good girl gone bad oredi..eee girl ka? =.='
aku xphm knpa bnyk sgt bayar2 bnda sem ni..mcm elaun 5k sebulan!sengalll :D

ya cuti mid sem n cuti raya is just around the corner,maka berbahagialah warga2 kskb dan yg sewaktu dengannya..aura ct dh lm sampai walopun msh ada smggu mo ct,aku siap dh kemaskini nota utk dibwa balik bercuti..mcm bunyi2 mok study jakan???haha..ngegehhhhh lalu anak pak bill tok..a week lps ct will sit 4 our formatif..meaning hidup mati aku kena study gak..yahhhh..whatever,study ja lh!

*kadang2,bnda yg kita buat nmpk simple n remeh d mata bg kita,ianya satu bnda yang amat bermakna n xdpt dfahami oleh org lain kerana mereka BUKAN kita*

contohnya bnda yg ku buat kt bwh ni,ya kemaskini nota ikut subjek n lec..siap print front page lengkap ngan motivational word n kod lg,bg transparent cover,kalerpul n org mcm aku,bnda2 mcm ni dpt motivasikan aku utk blaja,yela aku kn mls blaja so nk kena cr bnda yg boleh memotivasikan aku utk boleh cakap aku membazir la,suka wat benda remeh temeh la,nota je lebih....,perfectionist la..OKAYYY PEOPLEs : TALK TO THE HAND!

all i noe is,i'm satisfied n i gonna read my notes!

1 comment:

  1. salam sejahtera.
    sy tertarik dgn post awak ttg chip and dale.
    tunang sy amat menyukai chip and dale. dah byk koleksi yg dya dah ada. kalau awak tak kisah, boleh x kongsi dimana awk beli chip and dale itu
    kalau boleh, sy harap awak bel contact sy d halaman fb sy. ini email sy
    trima kasih


truely madly deeply ME!

some HIGHLIGHT 'bout me..

* i'm skinny 42 kg/158 cm tall_no komen required k!
* the youngest child out of 6_proud ^^
* i adore laughter and i'm kindda happy person
* i didnt take alchohol and i didnt go clubbing,no smoking_ya i know i'm a boring kind of person,but hey!i was just created to be this way..
* i made of bidayuh+iban parents=niena
* i hearts classic stuff..
* i just dont believe peoples around me_n yeah,i wonder y..
* family type of person OMG i loves FAMILY damn much!
* i treat people the way they treat me_F&S
* my personal life is it got nothing to do with you_back off
* currently having my Diploma in Physiotherapy_fun doe!
*dont like pets that much..smelly poops+annoying me so much!_eww
* fav foods_tomyam | chocolate is a must!
* i am a private person and that has been always my personality..
* i didnt take craps i dont need those trashy thingy!

whatever i wrote is what i am,living in my own thought and believes,but i'm an easy kind of person..and ORDINARY 4sure.