from me with love.. u were here,welcoming guess is a must..first of all,please get noticed that theres nothing special here inside my blog..just a bunch of CURHAT *curahan hati* just like what the others did..i'm a quite simple person who believe in my own believe and thought~kira normal la kan..please make urself comfort..respect my blog as i was your friend..make it to the last scroll that i've written a bit about myself..follow if u tend to and feels free to drop any comment @ the chatbox attached at the very below..NJOY!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


today was suck~having bad flu + hostel still xda air gik..i'm in my super duper uncomfortable situation DI SINI!!
Mentang2 dh sem 2,me now dh pande escape class..kul 3 leh p d store buy biskut raya,mam kepsi..haha..BUDUSSSS kan!lau fmly tau..imagine how dissapointed they will be..hurmm..good girl gone bad oredi..eee girl ka? =.='
aku xphm knpa bnyk sgt bayar2 bnda sem ni..mcm elaun 5k sebulan!sengalll :D

ya cuti mid sem n cuti raya is just around the corner,maka berbahagialah warga2 kskb dan yg sewaktu dengannya..aura ct dh lm sampai walopun msh ada smggu mo ct,aku siap dh kemaskini nota utk dibwa balik bercuti..mcm bunyi2 mok study jakan???haha..ngegehhhhh lalu anak pak bill tok..a week lps ct will sit 4 our formatif..meaning hidup mati aku kena study gak..yahhhh..whatever,study ja lh!

*kadang2,bnda yg kita buat nmpk simple n remeh d mata bg kita,ianya satu bnda yang amat bermakna n xdpt dfahami oleh org lain kerana mereka BUKAN kita*

contohnya bnda yg ku buat kt bwh ni,ya kemaskini nota ikut subjek n lec..siap print front page lengkap ngan motivational word n kod lg,bg transparent cover,kalerpul n org mcm aku,bnda2 mcm ni dpt motivasikan aku utk blaja,yela aku kn mls blaja so nk kena cr bnda yg boleh memotivasikan aku utk boleh cakap aku membazir la,suka wat benda remeh temeh la,nota je lebih....,perfectionist la..OKAYYY PEOPLEs : TALK TO THE HAND!

all i noe is,i'm satisfied n i gonna read my notes!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


saturday~kelas ganti hari raya..mantappp! =.='
~hbs klas kol 4 p mamam non halal food @kepong(Happy Seafood Steamboat)..bez!with echa,misel,elis,oli n stellon..
~we had fun dinner together..plan for the next visit..yeaaaa! :D

sunday ~ yg bez :: wake up @ 0830 rush to cafe utk attend xtvt kelab komuniti : Pertandingan menganyam ketupat n buat kad raya..sambutan agak baik..fisio sem 2 ( klas aku) dpt tmpt kdua menganyam ktupat..ok la tu!balik bilik around 1230 trus tdo..xsmpt 2ka bj pulak tue..haishhhh (nina2)..
~ yg xbez ::bgn 1430 4 my lunch n dlm keadaan xda mud bgn tdo dpt tau xda water supply..n i feel like : WTF!
~on9 jap n there i go to bed again..till 7 sumthing..Sleeping Beast of the day : niena!hahaha..come on..sunday bha..oopss ya i didnt go to church 2day..tega2nya aku!
~tpksa berhijrah ke Blok C yg khabarnya da air utk mndi n cuci baju..Thanks God.. =)

mlm ni teda wat apa melainkan on9..n boring yg teramat sgt..mcm xsbr pl mo ct n kluar dr kolej ni..

*sori terdapatnya kepelbagaian pggunaan bahasa..cuz i can *_*

Vaster IMY!

Friday, August 19, 2011

singgap jap to say...

err..xtau jg apa mok cakap..sibuknya buli tahan!
dlm klas??ketawa banyak!ngantuk banyak!merepek banyak!bljar kurang..NGURAsss mantap! sentiasa beringat..harussss!!!


kbye..ribut ni skrg,mau tdur!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

rambling nothing~

Today :: since i was free today as it was public holiday(nuzul quran) for peninsular mlysia..mmg syiok la kan,satu hari on9 melepek ja ats katil,otak blank,layan tumbler n fb unlimited,aku sgt bersyukurrr sbb dpt relax semahunya..thats all 4 today,Nuzul Quran got nothin' to do with comment!

YERsterday was fun!pg bbuka puasa ngan dak classmet di Johnny Restaurant steamboat @ one utama,dmansara..with our uniform on we rush there after class at 1st time having dinner here where it was just ok..worth it rm20 per person..mmg knyg aku prefer steamboat yg leh panggang2 tu..lg sodappp..but whatever it is aku happy coz dpt free kn mind walo sekejap ngan kekawan..1st time gak aku bbuka puasa ngan dorg,pglmannnn..^^

++++we met few celebritie's there,cuci mata++++

after dinner,we gone creeping inside OU till it was almost 10,teman zyra g bli contact lens,ellis buy perfume,faizal buy hair wax,aiman buy buku n the rest including me just jalan2 cuci mata..

crew : aiman,pejal,is,ellis,zyra,aten,misel,oli,icha n me..

Monday, August 15, 2011

mOnDaY hOmEsIcK

juz now kakak mesej,bkn msj biasa..mms containing asam pelam n sambal belacan picture + gambar sis yg sorg gik tgh masak..adoyaiiiii..meliur aku wai2..

okay sis u make me think of home so much u know.. ='(

then in fb kak upload lg picca dorg lepak minum petang kt bwh pokok rendang where my mum pacak kayu like meja n krusi 4 lepaking..grrr..i envy envy the very envy,u guys are laughing to each other,talking,munching food happily..yah i miss those smile so bad..MY FAMILY!

kadang2,i wonder y should i be apart from the them yg paling2 sy sayang..ON EARTH!sedangkan got a lot work to do in kuching itu pemikiran lapukkkk!aku x selemah itu utk dtewaskan..hahaha *evil laugh hapilly ever after*

talking bout 2day :xda pa best 4sure la kan,kelas jew ponnn..where my eyeball are about to fall out tahan ngantokkk..pukincai duh!the whole day juz sit up stupidly listening to the rhythm of crapping lecture infront..

what else?thats all i guess..mau tidurrrr udah saya..nanite!!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

todays in life~

i woke up @ 9 n feeling nothing until i rose up n feel the pain at my gastrocnemius muscle..urghhhh,pain doeee..this is wat i got from yersterday VO2 examination..sort of volumetric oxigen test by our coordinator,stepping up n down on 12 inch stool in 3 minutes where we had to step at least 24 step in one minute..if not will be disqualified,meaning that were not in a good health level or sort of lahhh..yah it is a simple exercise but we aint do any warming up session b4 we deserve it..damn!its gonna be a monthly test so it will be much better next time..

ehermmm..wat a long story,wake up,bfast,online,bath n doing laundry n ironing uniform is wat i do till 1230..then back to ma vaio layan tumbler,there is where i saw a mouth-watering pizza that trigger me to text my fren go to piza..hurmmm..what a nice friend!haha..

1430 :: tadaaa..

@ Pizza Hut with Icha..^^

sort of kotex commercial break @ Watson

adoreable mug from colgate!suka owhhh..

back to college around 5 n straight away sit n done my MS its 2300 i'm updating + revision..(ada ka??) haha..whatever la..see,my wiken even sunday i'll never have plenty time to rest..i even didnt go to church today,mo rehat la kononnya kn..but end up creeping at the store..haihhh..

bed time..i'm off..daaa!

Friday, August 12, 2011


note:ari tok mud kaka sawak lok!xphm diam jak sia..

ary sabtu pun skolah..nang xbez alu eyhh..ganti cuti raya lah konon nya,sp suh ct 2 mggu eheh BTW syuk aty cuti lamak2..xda pa mok dpadah ku senanya..
errmm..regarding study la hoo..lately physio semms like more interesting to study on..bez glak time pektikal masok gym and ngurassss lam ya..menari la,men gymball la,treadmill n plg bez men wheelchair..wilcha pdh Usop antu kak limah!

xcited gilk tek nak sampe melecet tangan begasak nak molah skill up k wilcha..senanya skill ya blaja sem mek org tok ngegeh lebih glak,masok lam gym dahya lec g meeting..apa lagi lahhh..release tension suma..

now ku brani madah ku dah jatuh cinta ngan fisio!thanks God now i know that this was really your plan..for me n my future..again,Thanks GOD!

dah ngantok mata ku tok..asa kjap jak hari2 ku belalu coz padat glak jadual lam sehari sampe taim tdo mlm ya jak ilek..start dr pg sampe malam da2 jak kja d polah..

gney nak molah kn dh tuntutan kehidupn kdk ya..pande2 lah kita ngatonya..
mok tdo ku dah..babyeeee!nite peeps..^^

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

sambil mengemop minum air mop!

kan???sambil wat cleaning smpat lak curi periuk akuh!di bulan yg MULIA ni kau lak leh wat TAIK ngan plan nk bjmat ckit during sengkek moment ni..dia dok sodap2 songlap aku nyer peruk..aku xda duit ni weiii..plizlaaa..brg student pun nk curi,agak2 laa..urghhh!talk much much oso not use :DDD

notis : cleaner pengotor : )

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Special Sweet Super SUNDAY!

what a topic huh??!
i dont really know what make my todays sunday so special..mayb that i was just having my all out heart-to-heart prayer with HIM just now..yaaa @ FCC (Faith Christian Centre)..that superb feeling when we tend to cry while listening to the rhythm of the worship song played lively by the worshippers..PRAISE GOD!!!
personally,the moment i walk out of the prayer hall..all i felt was joy and cheer..Joyful Noise that kept played in my heart dancing my mind free..
Oh God..thanks for the LOVE given..
n when talk about joyful noise,those tambourines dancers @ FCC iritating me so well!obviously i'm jealous!hahaksss..duhal!remind me to the tambourines dance that i havent do for a long time period,since i was here in sg buloh..I MISS IT u know..hurm,will join them n will perform 1 fine day @ promises!
*am having great time with Donna 2day as we went to church 2gether..wink2!* usual,i'll miss my family so bad when it comes to SUNDAY.cause thats the moment we'll having great time together after a buzy whole week..
God,please hold them tight! i LOVE them more than i can say..awwwhh sad ='(((

lekkk luuuuu..kuat smgt niena!
life must go on!
In God's name they will be fine!Amen..

its nearly 1230 am now,i better of to bed..
4sure..2moro will be a moody monday mood!
time to extend my spine..yahhhh!haha..
nite bloggers!

p/s : Vastermoraile Monday I LOVE YOU!

:: A Gods help is just a prayer away ::

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Jompots.. ^^

::picture taken after the neurophysiotherapy conference::

Jompots?what was that?haha..sort of 'cucur' tepung in my hometown..but why jompots?i dont know either,spontaneos choosen n funny..emmm,not to talk too much on that..the picca above is the persons who are capable to be with me from our very beginning in sem 1 till now in sem 2,we've shared a lot of thing and we gone through lot of experience together...lets start with ice breaking of the member ::

Stellon Marlin@stellon
A silent boy from Bau,the biggest + the youngest among us..most of the time,he's silent..theres a moment where he can talk a lot.but sadly he's no longer in the same class..due to some reason he have to repeat sem..but whatever it is,were still close to each other.

Olivia Girik @oli
also come from Bau,but live in kuching all this while..happy n naughty girl.quite good in study..more to dancing and love GREEN.same like me..well! ^^
She is the 1st person that i met b4 i fly here..n have been my roomate since last semester..

Michelle Goh @misel
An innocent girl from Tuaran,Sabah..always make us laugh with her naturally sabahan words like kancing (kencing),paning (pening),jantuk (jatuh),dakat (dekat)..and so on..hahaha..sorry misel,dont mean to make fun of ur words but its just funnayyyyy!hehe..a last minute study kind of person but she do score well..unlike me!awhhh..

Charissa Sigang Sampson @icha
a simple + wise girl with Labuan origin's..but she can speak mlyu swak very well..has a very small cepet eyes like this =.= hehe..kan cha? she's an easy kind of person an able to consider wisely..n,addicted to sports brand..i guess la..

so,thats the summary about them,my jompots friend..and in this Semester 2,i wish that we are able to work it out together..We Are Tougher Than Ever..remember that!God Bless u guys..regards..

Friday, August 5, 2011

ChantiQ Bha Kau Itu

1st pixie : hahaha..those poyo face b4 the match,introducing team Batch 40 "chantiq bha kau itu" dari kiri,zyra (striker/defender/goalkeeper),nina (defender), aten (striker), awin (striker), oli (goalkeeper), michelle (striker) dan icha (striker)...

2nd pixie : when the match are about to start..lwn ngan batch 37 iaitu cnior sem 5 torang,bdn besar2 doeee..torang kecik2 jew..maka perlawanan pun bermula...

3rd pixie : akhirnya,dtumpaskan oleh cnior sem 5 dan berjaya mendapat tempat ke 2..okey bha tu..last sem da dpt tmpat ptama..hehe,dlm sejarah fisio sem 1 dpt tmpat ptma tau sem lepas,ms tu nm group "Kami Budak Baru" di anggotai oleh geng2 yg tambah oleh zyra n michelle..

4th pixie : yeahhh..tu pingat tmpat kedua (perak),n yg emas tu juara ms sem 1..yg beznye sem ni ada sijil sem cb lagi nie..kasi balas dandam!gasak banar-banar..biar jd PALING MANANG!

truely madly deeply ME!

some HIGHLIGHT 'bout me..

* i'm skinny 42 kg/158 cm tall_no komen required k!
* the youngest child out of 6_proud ^^
* i adore laughter and i'm kindda happy person
* i didnt take alchohol and i didnt go clubbing,no smoking_ya i know i'm a boring kind of person,but hey!i was just created to be this way..
* i made of bidayuh+iban parents=niena
* i hearts classic stuff..
* i just dont believe peoples around me_n yeah,i wonder y..
* family type of person OMG i loves FAMILY damn much!
* i treat people the way they treat me_F&S
* my personal life is it got nothing to do with you_back off
* currently having my Diploma in Physiotherapy_fun doe!
*dont like pets that much..smelly poops+annoying me so much!_eww
* fav foods_tomyam | chocolate is a must!
* i am a private person and that has been always my personality..
* i didnt take craps i dont need those trashy thingy!

whatever i wrote is what i am,living in my own thought and believes,but i'm an easy kind of person..and ORDINARY 4sure.